Tuesday, October 9, 2012


Couple new freebies on Play Station Plus today..

Well the first ones not free, but I paid a dollar… I thought it was going to be like Brave Fencer Musashi, a ps0ne game I can’t find anymore but was fun as hell to play. But it was a cheesy little sega legend called The Revenge Of Shinobi… Logging in got me a trophy, not sure I’ll get another one off this game, but maybe one day I’ll get bored enough to play it … (doubt it)
Starhawk –not sure what this one is but it was free and its almost 10gb so it’ll be awhile before its in. Future blog I’m sure…
Everquest 2.
Today its my little Illusionist Aatamzen’s turn to level. Took him out to thundering steps to work on the three Keys quest… this time had to kill grassland beetles… cake, leveled 25 in about 30 minutes, maybe 45. Then took him to Antonica to catch up on his fishing.
Now turns out its Happyscrappy, my beastlord’s turn to level. Logged him in, finished the quest:
Ding 35! Woohoo… and another night of Happyscrappy is up for tomorrow since none of his new abilities are researchable.

Monday, October 8, 2012


Soo… I took some time off from gaming this weekend, kinda. I bought Civilization V. Civilization was one of the first PC game I’d ever played. The original Sid Meyer masterpiece, and now its so crazy nuts with all kinds of crazy Direct 12 graphics and stuff. It takes so long just to play 1 game that I’m not sure whether I not I still enjoy playing (well I played all weekend so I guess that’s a yes).

Everquest 2:
Logged in Monday night. Did all my daily quests on all my toons. None of the alts up for leveling, so I decide to get on Bamlador and finish up some quests.
I finished up The Symbol in the Flesh (http://eq2.wikia.com/wiki/The_Symbol_in_the_Flesh)
Quest reward was a nice shield upgrade: Crested Mistmoore Shield (http://eq2.zam.com/db/item.html?eq2item=b94d090428d12be79dcc4e3db3776d65)
And leveled 71.
Completed the following quests:
This finished Philip Glaslow series; then started
Ihriel the Sorceress:
no other upgrades. But dinged 2aa also.

Looking forward to leaving the Loping Plains! :)

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Before we start todays blog, today is Wednesday so that means! … new games on Play Station Plus. It’s a new month too so there might be some interesting finds here.
Most of the games are discounts and trials … Saw Doom3 and got all excited, its 4 dollars off, no thanks
Here’s the new free one this week:
NFL Blitz: 7 on 7 football game designed for fast pace…. I had an older version of this game on another system, not sure which one and didn’t play much of it. Its produced by Electronic Arts in 2011. 1.949MB download not sure I’m gonna waste some time on this one.
Ok on to today’s achievements:
 Gran Turismo 5: Ran through my Dream Car run, Leveled overall B-Spec 33 and now the drivers are at 30/28/28/28… Most definitely plan to do the Indy 500 Run this weekend on Endurance Series.
Everquest 2:
Worked on Trave in Butcherblock Mountains:
Leveled 27 mid quest.
In Loping Plains:
In working on The Symbol in the Flesh, got distracted and had to do Gogas Afadin  http://eq2.wikia.com/wiki/Gogas_Afadin_(Quest) (item cost me 4pp hope I finish now!)
Picked up this nice ring off a named: (Tainted Ring of the Savage) http://eq2.zam.com/db/item.html?eq2item=d3bcc27fff42da001ea300dc7c94b6be
Got some other bracelet but forgot the name lol
Finished up the gogas afadain quest, just need to run out to nek and turn it in…

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Slow day today, back at work and just got late starting (its 11pm and I’m just now gaming!)
Everquest 2
Last night I got on Trave and slowly but surely provisioned his way to Level 80 Provisioner. I don’t do quests or trades with him, I sell everything he makes so it took a while, but another tier for Trave! This means… another Tier for everyone else … So I got on Bamlador and…

I turned experience to 100% and began working on this heroic quest for a nice shield I came across in the Loping Plains, The Symbol in the Flesh (http://eq2.wikia.com/wiki/The_Symbol_in_the_Flesh) I’m on the 4th step or so , it says to go to the Mistmore Caverns and kill 20 of these bats. So my dumb ass goes to the Mistmore castle, and of course I don’t find the mob I’m looking for, but I find a bunch of high level (73 heroic) vampires which I kill some and mostly get killed a lot. So I go back to mend my gear (lol) and realize the mob I’m looking for is not in this zone, reread the quest, and go off to Mistmore Caverns, another zone in the Loping Plains. Killed my mobs, leveled 70, picked up this upgrade (http://eq2.zam.com/db/item.html?eq2item=16cf1fc8f1e72681c7d59845902312d0) and logged. This is LAST night after/during my last blog.

So I start my daily quests too late in the day, so I guess now I do bi-daily quests. Bamlador leveled 70 Weaponsmith (no shocker) during his daily quest today. Bewboo leveled 67 Woodworker in her daily quest today and got an Anomalous Reactant… go figure now I don’t need em anymore. And Aatamzen gets an Anomalous Reactant too and An AA point (aa 21, Savants Channel Level 7). And little Fumaba got level 31 Sage. Daily’s are done, and its Trave’s time to level up to 27
(All quests can be found on eq2.wikia.com; I’ll only post rewards if their upgrades)
Its off to Butcherblock Mountains with Trave.
Completed Quests:
Dock Delinquency (upgrade Pronged Mace of the Eagle (http://eq2.zam.com/db/item.html?eq2item=aa5df85282c582fce5363d9487a2d1cf)
Captain Says
Coin for the Captain

(dinged aa 24, Hierophant Obfuscation 6)

Tired … 78.5% into level 26, tomorrow will finish.
Gran Turismo
Just b-spec raced today… Turns out 1 dream car series makes 1,732,000 credits… nice eh? Got another bspec driver to level 28, so were at 30/28/28/27

Monday, October 1, 2012


Burger Shop 2
This is one of my hidden gamer secrets I’ve probably never told anyone. I was a long time member of Real Arcade. I got a free game once a month for some low fee like 9.99 or something like that… anyway, RealArcade acquired Gamehouse and they merged and although I’m no longer a member, I still have access to all the games that I had acquired during my tenure as a RealArcade member. One of these games being my all time favorite time management game, BurgerShop 2.
So being that recently I’ve been going through pcs like homer goes through Buzz beer, I’m having to redo this game. Such terrible punishment, being that its my favorite game and all… So anyway… Normal play mode has 120 levels, in which you server various burgers and drinks and sides and so on . On every pc I’ve had so far, I’ve gotten a perfect rating on normal level for all 120 levels (a goal every good gamer should have of course). When you beat Normal you mode, you unlock Expert, where the gaming really begins (have yet to beat every level with perfect rating, on any pc)
So I’ve been going through these levels again and I’m completed Level 75 out of 120 with a gold star rating.
Also as you progress in Normal stage, you unlock Challenge levels, in which you try to serve and make as much money as possible. As more customers come in, they grow less patient and its harder and harder to serve them before they leave. So far the Diner stage is the ONLY stage that I’ve gotten a Gold reward. To get a gold reward you need a profit of $2000, and today I completed the stage with $2112.

Everquest II
Some time ago, spell research was added in one of the everquest 2 expansions, which one I don’t know and I don’t care, but its created this obsession I have with spell research. Its purely time based, researching a spell to its next level only requires the required level of the spell and time for each level. Of course scrolls promote these levels (Journeyman, Adept, Expert, Master). All my new toons have all their spells researched to Master. So, this of course creates a handy leveling schedule for my toons and of course Bamlador doesn’t apply to this. He’ll never have all his spells mastered (eeek, never say never) but all my other toons have all their spells at master level. (And I’m obsessed with this, timer app on my phone with 6 different timers, yes I’m crazy!)
So today was my enchanter Aatamzen’s turn to level some, and he made level 24 today. I killed about 40 sand crabs doing the quest The Three Keys—The First in Thundering Steppes. Kill 10 crabs, click book, kill 10 crabs, click book, kill 10 crabs, Click book. Kill 10 beetles… well I leveled before I got to the beetles.
And finished off the night grinding trave’s provision skills (zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz)

Gran Turismo 5
Love bspec racing while I do other things…. Read, game, write blogs, I’m bspec racing now as I type this. I have 4 bspec racers, level 30, 27, 27 and 27, but now I have leveled one of the racers to 28. I try to run a Dream Car run on Extreme level once a day. I get about a million bucks and lots of exp for my driver, without doing anything J
Well apparently I’ve reached the max credits you can have in the game, 20,000,000 so I suppose I better spend some money.  So I bought a formula 1 gran turismo and got 2 trophies for it, High Roller (bought a seriously expansive car) and Sky-High Roller (bought an insanely expensive car). (Trophy count: 189 Level: 5 (51%))

Galaga DX
Yes my other play station goal right now is to master up galaga dx. I tried to beat time attack level 7-5 with no success (and I almost made it). Yes level  7 is where it gets hard if you buy the game (quite fun for just 10 bucks if you have a ps3)