Friday, October 31, 2014

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Quick update. Things have been a bit slow around here, but still making progress. I feel like the little engine that could...

I played through Final Fantasy X playthroughs 7, 8 and 9. 8 is a grindthrough, which is different than a playthrough just that I'm grinding and I'm trying to cut grinding areas out of the "Let's Play" part of the game but still recording and uploading them incase someone is curious how its done (and it can be watched in 2x mode). Sometimes my ramblings aren't that bad :) Playthroughs 8 and 9 should be up tomorrow.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Final Fantasy X Fans! videos are coming back soon. I had some software issues and I plan to catch up some starting with playthrough 5 today!

Youda Survivor 2
Expect a playthrough of the last stand today as well!

Youda Sushi Chef 2
These videos are coming one at a time.

Diablo 3
Rift 4 Attempt 2! watch me fail on twitch, watch me succeed on youtube! :)

Thanks for your support, see you soon!

Friday, October 17, 2014

Friday 10/17/2014

Its been awhile since I've uploaded this blog. I know I know i've been very busy fellow, just haven't been writing about what I've been busy doing.

I'm still working on My Kingdom for the Princess. I've hit a block that's hintered progress, but I'm still hard at it.

I've uploaded some Youda Sushi Chef 2 videos. I will have more of these soon.

Level 9 in Youda Survivor 2 has been quite the challenge. I am on the last two levels right now and 9.5 is definitely fun fun stuff.

I made 70 in Diablo 3 and I'm still trying to get myself a greater rift key. I'm not sure that they exist! :)

Have a great weekend.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Sunday! Happy Columbus Day. Hope everyone gets a nice holiday and a day to relax. I failed making level 70 in Diablo III yesterday. I guess I'm getting old. My hands and fingers are sore from tapping away yesterday. I made it to 69, but couldn't quite pull it through. It'll happen today!

Youda Survivor 2
I have been uploading away at some playthroughs I recorded in the past. I most likely will record playthrough 38 today which should finish off level 8. I've been playing around through level 9, which is humungous. It has at least 6 bonus levels, possibly more. And its all Siege levels. Look forward to a some fun sieging videos. I will also be back to adding some sushi chef videos soon.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Diablo III Day!

Today I'm leveling up the monk in Season mode up to 70. I started at 65 this morning and right now I'm halfway through level 68. Looking for Greater Rift Keys to drop and slamming through rifts. Hoping to hit 200k dps today as well.

Youda Survivor 2
Uploading lots of old video footage that needs uploading. I'm playing through level 9 right now. I have 9.2.3, 9.5, 9.6 and some other bonus levels that I haven't unlocked yet left to go. Siege More videos will be added soon too!

Everquest II
I will be doing a small playthrough with Bamlador sometime this evening/afternoon.

Stay tuned on for the live feeds throughout the day.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Ok, so its been awhile since I touched up this blog. Driveclub, the reason I bought the PS4, is OUT! and it is NICE...

I'm not crazy about using twitch straight through PS4. I'm considering buying a capture card, but not yet. Driveclub is everything I thought it would be and more. The online portion is not up yet, but maybe soon. 

Diablo III
Tearing through the 60s with my monk. Saturday will be Diablo SaTURDay and I'm going to make level 70 or bust!

Everquest II
New grandmaster spells. Not sure I'm going to go after these at the moment. Masters are doing me just fine for now. Tonight's just a cleanup the bank night but more leveling to come soon. Some of it is going to be tradeskills, sorry I gotta do those too.

Many files to upload. They're coming I promise. Youda Sushi Chef 2 is my most watched game and lots more of it to come!

( for Diablo III and Everquest II live)

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Tuesday, 9/30/2014

The LAST Day of September! I took a few days off, from blogging, sometimes I suck at blogging. But I am trying to keep at it.

Diablo 3
Every day except Friday and Saturday, I'm going to try to do a Diablo 3 rift run (right now that's what I'm doing). Expect these between 6 and 7 EST. Right now the monk is level 49 and movin' on up!

Everquest 2
Yes, I've been slacking at Everquest 2. Now, daily everquest at Midnight EST is back. Up ahead the schedule looks a bit boring though, mostly tradeskilling and fall cleaning.