Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Whats up friends, GaminJosh here with another blog update. I am very excited as I have finally put down the beast that is known as Level 35 in Build-A-Lot 2: Town of the Year and am happy to say, I recorded it to share with you. So I still need to record the last 8 bonus levels in the game but you can expect to see the entire series uploaded very soon!

Youda Survivor 2 gold playthrough is complete! I recorded the last level just before Christmas, and I have the Siege more videos to run through and record (these are a challenge however) and I'll have a new playlist for those.

Anyone out there play Ranch Rush? Expect casual and expert video uploads of this wonderful game to come soon!

From the bottom of my heart, I hope all 5 of my subscribers had a wonderful holiday and to all my new fans that don't subscribe and anyone else that just happened to stumble upon this blog, I wish you the BEST in 2015!


Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Its been awhile since I posted an update to this blog, and I apologize, I've been busy gaming, took a vacation, and now its time to update the blog :)

I have finished the Youda Survivor 2 Gold Playthrough. I completed all the levels 1-9. I started playing around with Siege Mode, and the first level is getting under my skin by a few seconds! I'll start uploading gameplay on Siege Mode SOON!

Build A Lot 2 has been frustrating me. I have had levels 1-34 finished for quite some time, but level 35 threw me for a loop because it wouldn't let me replay it once I beat it with out the super efficiency, it loaded up the bonus levels. So I replayed the game up to level 35 and am still working on finishing Level 35 with super efficiency. I'll have this game up soon with the bonus levels and all.

I found another bug in Youda Sushi Chef 2. The Diner level 23 Objective 3 is not letting some of the 3 Dish Combos through, and I'll be getting with the developers and seeing what they say. I have yet to get a response about Level 1 3 which has the same bug. I have recorded through The Diner: Level 18 and will have those and more uploaded soon! This game is HUGE in terms of the numbers of levels, although they are somewhat quick, only about 3 1/2 minutes long at their longest.

I'm working on another game playthrough, I'll let it be a surprise when it is released. It'll be fun!

I haven't even tried My Kingdom for the Princess in quite some time. Level 4-8 is too much for this gamer. I'll try again some day :)

I haven't been twitching at all lately. I discovered my bandwidth is not capable of uploading in 720p and there's really no point in streaming less than 720p (I'm lucky to get 240p with my crappy internet). But... I'll be moving in a couple of months, and I plan to upgrade to a new internet service and that SHOULD solve my streaming issues for a while. I bought an xbox one and I have an elgato HD capture card and expect to see streaming on a regular scheduled basis when I move :)

I hope everyone has a great holiday season! Keep gaming friends!

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Hey folks, haven't updated the blog in awhile, lots of new things coming! The GaminJosh has been busy busy busy!

Build A Lot
I have been working hard, (and I know not hard enough) on the build a lot series. I completed the series on Build A Lot 1, uploaded the videos and now building a comprehened walkthrough website: http://gaminjosh.wix.com/home

Youda Survivor 2
Finally got gold on the last level! I thought there was a bug (and there still might be) but I struggled with the last level, but I finally did it and will be taping the last 4 levels soon!

Youda Sushi Chef 2
My #1 most popular uploaded game so I've been stressing this one a lot. Uploads every day. I'm over halfway through the Diner board and the Italian will be tackled soon. There is still a bug that I'm discussing with the engineers at youdagames over Level 1 Objective 3...

Happy Holidays! Keep Playing