Sunday, January 25, 2015

Sunday, Janurary 25, 2015


Its a mild landmark, but its a landmark. This week we outreached 5,000 views! I'm very excited! Thanks for all who participate in this channel, I greatly appreciate it.

On another note, I did take it fairly easy this week. You may have noticed that I uploaded a BUNCH of Sushi videos on Sunday, but uploaded nothing on Friday and Saturday. I took a little vacation to the Capital of Texas, Austin. I took a much needed break, but now I'm back, and recording as fast as I ever do!

Youda Sushi Chef 2
I'm still uploading 2 videos per day. I've slowed down on my playthrough to catch up with my recordings. I finished level 22 of "The Italian" today and recorded through level 20 as well. So far its been smooth sailing with little flaws. Every level beatable so far, so good job to the youdagames Crew on  "The Italian"

Build-A-Lot 3: Passport to Europe
I didn't do a whole lot on this series this week. I really took it pretty easy and didn't do much of anything to be honest. I'm almost done with the game, however. I have 3 levels left to record and I haven't even tried to beat level 43 yet, so those last three levels may take me awhile, but I'll get them up!

Final Fantasy X
This is my "Dream Project" There are tons of Final Fantasy playthroughs, and honestly, I'm just doing this to say I did it. If you enjoy it, great! I am enjoying playing through it and just recording it more as a hobby and not really putting as much effort as I do my other playthroughs. Blitzball should be different, although many may be dissapointed in the first few playthroughs because they are almost impossible to win. But we'll soon catch up and get to more playthroughs and grinding playthrough (which will include my What's New Blog!)

Not much else. Again I appreciate everyone's support. Build-A-Lot 3 and some other games will be up shortly. In the meanting, play on!


Sunday, January 18, 2015

Sunday, Janurary 18, 2015

What's New Sunday!
My blog where I answer questions in comments and let my subscribers know what's coming up every Sunday.

Youda Sushi Chef 2
I'm still uploading 2 objective videos every day. I've found nothing wrong with the Italian levels thus far except where the undo button sometimes cooks whatever you have on your chopping board that you're trying to undo (Whoops). This week we're uploading starting with level 12 and I've played through level 21 and haven't found anything wrong yet.

I have finished uploading every level of Build-A-Lot 2: Town of the Year. Level 35 was quite a challenge, therefore its highlighting the unsubsriber page of my channel. I've been cruising right through Build-A-Lot 3, it combines a lot of things from the first 2 games, and adds a new twist in services. I've recorded 38 of the 45 levels, and those should be online soon!

Ranch Rush 
 I have been recording a playthrough of this fun farming game. I should uploading the Casual playthrough soon, and change the expert playthough so I upload as I beat the levels.

Rescue Team 
 Check out this challenging series from Alawar games. Its been real fun playing through this monster and recording expert levels. I think I have 4 of the many many (over 70) levels this game has completed and recorded. I just might upload this one one at a time, I just don't want to be at a point where I can't finish a level (*cough* My Kingdom for the Princess *cough*) and have an incomplete game on my channel.

As always, I appreciate your views, comments, and so forth. I have doubled in subscribers this months (from 5 to 10 whee). You have to start somewhere and I appreciate everyone taking a look at my channel. Game on, keep gaming and have a wonderful week. 


Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Wednesday, Janurary 7, 2015

What's up folks? Gaminjosh here with another exciting blog update!

Build-a-Lot 2: Town of the Year! Complete! I'm still uploading the videos, they will be up as soon as possible! I had a lot of fun with this one, as Level 35 was quite the challenge. But I finally conqured it and got it on tape for everyone to see.

Build-a-Lot 3: Passport to Europe is next in line. I've finished through Level 11, and working my way across Europe. Expect uploads sometime soon!

Final Fantasy X: I am definitely slacking on this one. It's not getting a lot of views, but I'm really doing this one because I love the game, and what better way to test a capture card than with a game you love.

Youda Sushi Chef 2 is moving right along. I have been keeping with the 2 video a day upload schedule. I just finished recording Playthrough 34 which covers level 7 and 8 of the Italian, and so far the Italian has been smooth sailing with no major bugs. I haven't skipped any levels yet and I finished playing through Level 15. Playthrough 34 should be up soon. Today I finished uploading Level 4.

Keep gaming on and see you on the tube!