Sunday, February 15, 2015

Sunday, February 15, 2015


Another week has passed us by and its Sunday, so its time to update with what's up with Gamin Josh

Diablo 3
Blizzard decided that it was time for Season 1 to end, and what better time to start Season 2 (I think they planned this) than FRIDAY THE THIRTEENTH. And its Sunday and there's already people in the 20s on the Greater Rifts. Not me, the casual guy who plays hard but doesn't play all day and all night and all day and all night. I started a demon hunter, because I decided, why not, my main is a demon hunter, let's make another.... She's level 35 and she's getting up there. Maybe by next week (I doubt it) but maybe she'll be 70 by then. My favorite class and when i get up to where I can do some greater rifts, I'll record and post. Until then, there's lots of youtubers up there in Diablo 3 already that play 36 hours a day. Check them out :)

Youda Sushi Chef 2
I really emplore the staff at Youda Games. The challenges in this game are nice, but the challenges are there because of inflation. What upgrades cost in the Italian are much cheaper than the Mexican.... or so it seems that way. I've uploaded through level 7 and played through 12. The 1.3 impossible double 3-dish combo has been my only obstacle so far in the Mexican. It is much easier once you grind through and get the upgrades for the 3 star conveyer belt and 3 star cooker machine. You can do it! I don't know if I can :)

Final Fantasy X
My fun project... I haven't uploaded anything yet because ... ok here it is... I took some personal time this week to try to have a life outside my computer, and ... I just didn't get Sushi content recorded and uploaded... and that comes first.. and these Final Fantasy playthroughs are all 3+ GB and they hog up my other game uploads... ok thats my lousy excuse... Another blitzball playthrough is coming (its been recorded! I swear) and then onward with the playthrough... and then maybe some grindthroughs (those include this blog!) so yepp... no work on FFXV but its coming they say!

Passport to Europe is almost up... I just sent forth for viewing level 36... The rest is soon to follow... I have recorded and uploaded through 22 of the Main Campaign of Powersource, Build A Lot 4. Its coming and I'm enjoying it. I expect it to be hard and its not that bad. The resources they give you at the beginning of the level definitely change the strategy of the way i'm tackling these. I hope you follow along and play!

My friends, I appreciate your support in watching. Its the easiest thing to do.. watch my videos... thanks for watching, i enjoy recording and helping out if I am helping out... keep gaming, keep having fun, keep WINNING! Peace out...


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